
5 Things To Avoid When Decluttering Before a Move

Moving to a new town or neighborhood can be an exciting fresh start! Moving can also be extremely stressful. Packing up your entire life into boxes is daunting for even the most organized person. Add in the extra belongings that every family and household seems to accumulate, and you have a recipe for anxiety and […]

Transform Your Home With These 5 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is finally in the air. That means it’s time to open windows and think about organizing our homes with spring cleaning. Whether you’re a minimalist or a maximalist, spring cleaning is an opportunity to remove the clutter built up over the winter and get your home ready for the warmer months. Here are the […]

Declutter Your Home With a Professional Organizer

It’s easy to understand why people might want to declutter their home and improve their organization, but many clients approaching Potomac Concierge come to us still unsure of what specific value we might add to the process. If you struggle with even minor organizational tasks and haven’t made headway in home decluttering over weeks or […]

Organizing Help After Your Washington, DC Move

Move Day is finally over and it’s a relief. If you’re like most busy people, however, your To Do list is still long. To expedite the settling-in process, here are some tasks to delegate so you can spend your precious time meeting the demands of your family and job: Boxes (unpacking/discarding) – The moving crew […]

5 Steps for Organizing Your Closet

Is your closet looking more and more like an impossible game of Tetris? We’ve all been there before — rifling through endless piles of clothes while struggling to keep an avalanche of knick-knacks from falling onto our heads. If this sounds all-too-familiar, it’s probably time to roll up your sleeves and start organizing your closet. […]

Working From Home? Here’s How to Go From Busy to Productive!

If working from home has made you feel busier than ever, remember that “busy” is not synonymous with productive. Being run off your feet doesn’t mean you’re operating efficiently. Consider tweaking your home office setup to maximize productivity. Here are some tips: Delegate House Management Tasks Processing medical claims and filing appeals for rejected submissions, […]

Get Digital Clutter Under Control

Like physical clutter, disordered electronic devices can cause anxiety, wasted time, and lower productivity. Even pre-pandemic, the volume of digital communication was difficult to process. With a surge in personal and professional emails over the past year, inbox management is an uphill battle. Here are some tips to streamline your computer and phone, and to […]

Home Office Setup: 11 Tips from a Professional Organizer in DC

When the pandemic abruptly forced office closings in 2020, people hastily set up makeshift home offices. Videoconferencing at the kitchen table was acceptable.  Sitting at the dining room table all day was fine. A year later, working remotely is still the way of life, and a more permanent setup is in order. Employers are recognizing […]

Organizing the Pantry: 6 Pandemic Tips from a Professional Organizer

Since March, your kitchen has likely become a hot spot in your home. As we all stocked up on basics and created just-in-case inventories, the demand for pantry space soared. Pre-pandemic, all that eating out made it easier to maintain order. Does your pantry set-up still work for you? Follow These Steps to Take Back […]

Genius Tips for Simplifying Your Email Overload

These days, many of us are relying on email more than ever. Like physical clutter, an overloaded inbox is distracting and causes stress. Essential emails can easily get lost if you lack organization and an efficient system for your incoming and outgoing messages. Here are some tips to consider to simplify your email communications: 9 […]

Home Organization Tips: Back to Basics

Anxiety levels are higher in these uncertain times and clutter around the house doesn’t help ease your mental load. Now that your home is being used as a multi-purpose space, clutter accumulates quickly with personal, work, and school items all mixed together. Decluttering and re-organizing can be productive ways to spend time while engaging in […]

How to Manage Essential Household Tasks Safely Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

As we wait for a return to normalcy, some jobs can’t be put on hold. You may have an upcoming move that can’t be postponed. Perhaps listing your home next year is dependent upon decluttering this year. There are essential errands to run and food to buy. Masks, gloves and social distancing are now a […]

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